Hotel Information System

In Information systems computer systems play a major role to collect datas related to hotel’s business operations in the hotel industry refer to.Information systems contains all computerised systems used to gather data continuously both for use internally and externally. Information technology has influenced in a tremendous way in human life for last few decades. It also play a crucial role in the hotel industry as they support management,planning overall operations of the hotels as well as policy making.

Some of the information systems that are commonly used in the hospitality industry include:

Transaction Processing System

This system  involves in business transactions include the retrieval, modification and collection of transactional data.It also processes data generated about and by transactions in the hotel. These systems increases labour efficiency as they ensure that the data collected is accurate and timely.It is mainly used by managers in the hotel industry.

The Point of Sale (PoS) System

In the hotel industry PoS is the most common form of information systems used. This system keeps track of merchandise sales that occur in a hotel restaurant, coffee shop,bar or gift shop.Front office of a hotel and the housekeeping department  also use various versions.These systems incorporate computers ,registers and any peripheral equipment that make be established on a computer network. This system is important as it keeps track of payroll, labour and sales, as well as generates records which may be useful for accounting purposes. Security departments of the Hotel industry also have their own PoS system.

Management Information Systems

For proper management of staff and the facilities these systems provide information required by the hotel .This system can be used to analyse and facilitate operational and strategic activities. It is used functionally in areas such as security, maintenance and financial controls,housekeeping and accounting.

Property Management Systems (PMS)

Coordination of the operational duties of the staff at the front office, sales and planning ,this software application is used.Automation of important functions such as guest booking, guest information, online reservations, as well as sales and marketing, property management systems is used.

Decisions Support Systems

Decision-making process is supported by decision support systems. Based on the operational model of the hotel establishment each hotel creates a decisions support system.This system is important as it ensures the hotel operations functional and decisions are made in a timely manner.


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